The makings of a NIGGA. It was once said that we were three fifths of human beings. This division of my being is something that is still challenged to this day. Everyday that I witness our collective ignorance I see three fifths displayed. This value that was placed on our beings is something that we must fight to get off of us because some still view us in this light. Although this isn't said outright, however in some cases it is, we must strive to portray ourselves in a different light. I know that it is sad that you have to always prove yourself, but after being disapproved, dismembered, and disliked, you tacitly or overtly have to assert yourself as a person of African ancestry. For this reason, whenever I engage a person of European ancestry
I understand that in most cases that I am dealing with someone that has been mis-educated about me, and my potential. I do not need to be talked down to, nor do I need things dumbed downed. I say that my appearance is that of the typical negro, being that I am from the South. I say that I am the poster child for NIGGA. Now this may offend some, but when you look at the pictures enclosed in the blog you will see that most NIGGAS depicted are extremely dark, have thick lips, and kinky hair. As a side note, please understand that I do not consider myself a NIGGA, nor do I consider people of African ancestry to be so either, but this NIGGA mind-set has and is plaguing MY people. Back to the subject though... Whenever I find myself conversing with Whites I see that they are shocked that my English is proper (not white) another
dangerous misconception that NIGGAS have when it comes to expressing themselves eloquently. Having a strong command and mastery of this bastard English language is
something that we must learn and strive to do. Because you see, NIGGAS can't express themselves eloquently because they lack a working vocabulary that will allow them to compete in a world outside of their tight knit communities. As stated in previous entries, there is a prevalent attitude in certain groups that we are intellectually
inferior. This attitude fuels my fire, and keeps me hungry for knowledge. Any person
of African ancestry that comes across this myth, should bust it every chance he/she can get. It is dangerous, and our ignorant actions makes it even harder to dispel. If they say that we are inferior I will not counter that with superiority claims, but I will show our contributions to civilization, as they are attempting to write us out of history. Now you may not understand this, but the very fact that they depict the Egyptians and other Biblical personalities as Europeans is enough proofs.
We accept this, because in a sense, collectively we are either too afraid to challenge this, or too ignorant to know any better. By doing any of the above, we are tacitly approving this rubbish.
It was once said that an educated black person is dangerous. I believe this. Also, please don't mistake a degree from a university to authenticate your educational status. Educated about yourself, and your people. Moving on... In same vein they say if you want to hide something from a NIGGA, put it in a book. Well yes, indeed, the saying has proved true for some of our people. We went from having a ardent desire to know what Master was doing in his study, to not caring what was published or printed. By being ignorant, illiterate, and shiftless, we have deprived ourselves of the very power that we need to change our condition.
The bible proverb proves true, "my people perish due to lack of knowledge". Keep in mind that to perish is to die slowly, to dwindle away. This blog and others that I've listed shows and highlights our resistance. I ain't going out like that. How's that for English mastery? Lol.
I understand that in most cases that I am dealing with someone that has been mis-educated about me, and my potential. I do not need to be talked down to, nor do I need things dumbed downed. I say that my appearance is that of the typical negro, being that I am from the South. I say that I am the poster child for NIGGA. Now this may offend some, but when you look at the pictures enclosed in the blog you will see that most NIGGAS depicted are extremely dark, have thick lips, and kinky hair. As a side note, please understand that I do not consider myself a NIGGA, nor do I consider people of African ancestry to be so either, but this NIGGA mind-set has and is plaguing MY people. Back to the subject though... Whenever I find myself conversing with Whites I see that they are shocked that my English is proper (not white) another
dangerous misconception that NIGGAS have when it comes to expressing themselves eloquently. Having a strong command and mastery of this bastard English language is
something that we must learn and strive to do. Because you see, NIGGAS can't express themselves eloquently because they lack a working vocabulary that will allow them to compete in a world outside of their tight knit communities. As stated in previous entries, there is a prevalent attitude in certain groups that we are intellectually
inferior. This attitude fuels my fire, and keeps me hungry for knowledge. Any person
of African ancestry that comes across this myth, should bust it every chance he/she can get. It is dangerous, and our ignorant actions makes it even harder to dispel. If they say that we are inferior I will not counter that with superiority claims, but I will show our contributions to civilization, as they are attempting to write us out of history. Now you may not understand this, but the very fact that they depict the Egyptians and other Biblical personalities as Europeans is enough proofs.
We accept this, because in a sense, collectively we are either too afraid to challenge this, or too ignorant to know any better. By doing any of the above, we are tacitly approving this rubbish.
The bible proverb proves true, "my people perish due to lack of knowledge". Keep in mind that to perish is to die slowly, to dwindle away. This blog and others that I've listed shows and highlights our resistance. I ain't going out like that. How's that for English mastery? Lol.
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