Been away for awhile and it seems that much time is required to study and prepare myself for this mission. You see, the mission entails liberating myself, and examining
my own beliefs and practices. Like I said before,
this blog is therapeutic. This nigger situation is deep and I understand that many have been down this road before and many have experienced ridicule and persecution. The response is different as the time goes on. Some desire for me to leave this issue alone, but daily I am confronted with signs of my own kind being depicted like animals and savages. For some, this is acceptable, as for me--- I refuse. Refuse to allow this depiction to go on unchecked. Therefore my mission transcends venting in cyberspace, and God-willing bringing this issue to the forefront of my community. My comrade told me that this is an issue that everyone wants to talk about, but no one has the guts to engage. So in my absence please understand that I am preparing for war, and building my alliances. Part of my preparation involves acquiring knowledge and facts, in order to combat lies. See, the devil is wickedly wise, and he manipulates history, destroys facts, and discredits witnesses. He even goes to the extent of bribing and hushing our own leaders. The very people that we put trust in have failed to render back unto us what is due---------THE TRUTH. The truth about ourselves! God-willing I am in the process of writing a book that deals with this issue of NIGGADOME, and it covers the
different levels of humiliation we had to endure. Products were made with our images
distorted, and mocked on them. Corporations participated and profited from our negative betrayal. Meanwhile, we danced, shucked, and jived. Enclosed are some pictures of these crimes, yet no one has been arrested, no bank accounts frozen, and why? You see, niggas don't have those types of rights. Rights that are retroactive.
You think about it!
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