Just the other day I was having a conversation with one of my European
counterparts and he said to me "why can't black people just get over the
whole slavery thing?" Mind you, he wasn't aware of my blog or my stance on
such a serious issue. The conversation went on and you can imagine the indignation
in my voice, and I will not replay the whole dialogue, but what I will do is allow
you to see the prevalent attitude amongst whites in general. It is very easy to tell
victims to get over things, when you are not feeling the effects of criminal behavior. It's like telling a rape victim to just get over it, you'll be alright. In my opinion and in the opinion of the court of law, victims are compensated for wrongs inflicted
upon them. This is justice, in the real world. There seems to be a misunderstanding when it comes to our humanity, because people say things like this without consideration of human life and potential. Reading an article today about how white
democrats are not voting for Obama based on a negative view that they have towards black people. The article said that they viewed blacks as being
lazy and violent.
Although I don't get in to politics, this type of ignorance and stigma is very dangerous, and my entry today deals with the issue of depiction. We have been depicted as being lazy and violent for quite sometime. Presidents and politicians have politicized the issue of black criminality. Arguing, that this is our nature,
and that recent and past events suggest this. By nature we are wild and beast like.
We must be subjugated and domesticated like animals. This view point was spread through art and plays where we were depicted by white actors in BLACKFACE as they call it. These actors placed oil and other skin darkening conditioners on their faces and began to act in a niggerish manner. Dancing and acting buffoonish. This was amusing to the on lookers, and perpetuated the myths. Strikingly, Black actors began to wear the same mask on the face, and participated in these minstrel shows.
It is amazing the lengths we will go to be accepted! That's another topic though. The interesting thing about the article that I read on this issue was that black men were portrayed as being either of two extremes: extremely lazy or overly excited. Black women were either, too masculine (mammy types)or promiscuous. Dangerous depictions as this implied that we could not achieve balance. Balance is equated with self-discipline and refinement. To be able to control ones emotions and desires. This, blacks were incapable of, and for this reason they MUST BE controlled. This is what they base their reasoning on.It is for this reasoning, BLACKS cannot lead, as in the case of Obama, and any other person of African ancestry. So much can be said about the sentiments of people when they express things nowadays.They are still around people. Harboring ill will and malice. Some of us can't see through the few that express admiration for us, but there are many that cannot stomach black leadership. We continue to allow people to perpetuate these myths and lies about us without argument and rebuttal. Forever, as long as we are dark-skinned, we will be performing in blackface, and the world is a stage. Europeans have used every tool in the play book to dehumanize us. Trust me, they've used religion, god, sex, politics, economics, and even our own people to humiliate us. History has shown that they will go to great lengths. Discovering these facts will disgust you, just like they are disgusted with us.
1 comment:
Hi - just found your blog. Looks like we have some things in common. My blog is cal Minstrelsy, Metamorphosis and Michael Jackson.
You can see me at http://amiscaryforyou-michaeljackson.blogspot.com
Hope to speak soon via blooger!
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